le player de génériques

Off Prime - Générique (Off Prime - Main title)    twitter 

Mhm.. ohh..

Black coffee in my car
Crowded thoughts fighting in my head
No one left I didn't leave the things behind
Will always be a part of me
Funny feeling from my stomach
Tell me where did these words come from
My oh my is this the sign for gathering the stuff in my life

Running out of gaz
So much more for the disappearing act
Contagiously drank to reach the top of the mountain
But I'm running out of gaz


Trying to sleep in the backseat
Famous Beatles are bugging me
Wishing I could find the spot I got it somethin
Marked with a X
Hey your stumble is cyclones
Mother earth can you hear me
Baby I just had to wave the rainbow wont you
Lift without the crane

Running out of gaz
So much more for the disappearing act
Contagiously drank to reach the top of the mountain
But I'm running out of gaz

Running out of gaz
So much more for the disappearing act
Contagiously drank to reach the top of the mountain
But I'm running out of gaz

I'm feeling rahter funky
All my girls go and shower
Sorry man no bumps allowed I think I have
To ask you to leave
Anyways I'm leaving for a better place
Don't ask cause I'm better
This feeling I have primer long way to go long time flies away
Gotta hurry cause I ain't can't stay

Running out of gaz
So much more for the disappearing act
Contagiously drank to reach the top of the mountain
But I'm running out of gaz

Off Prime - Main title - Off Prime - Générique

Séries télé - Infos
Titre Original : Off Prime - Main title
Nombre d'épisodes : Toujours en production
Nombre de saisons : Toujours en production
Interprète : Pauline Pantsdown
Acteurs : Virginie Efira, Elise Otzenberger, Simon Astier, Alban Lenoir, Christian Bujeau, Dorothée Pousséo
1ère diffusion française : 2007
1ère chaine de diffusion française : M6

Liens d'intérêt

Fiche ajoutée par Spicefan25.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

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