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City Hunter - Footsteps    twitter 

I remember when your were my baby
Seems like only yesterday
Jeepers creepers, I been goin crazy
Since the day you walked away
I hear your footsteps
What a spooky sound
I hear the stairs creak
I'm in trouble now
I hear your footsteps
Comin' around hauntin' me

Footsteps in the night
Echo in my mind
Footsteps in the night
Baby said goodbye
To me

In the dark I lie awake and listen
To the pounding of my heart
I a sweat I feel my body shiver
My halucinations start

I hear your footsteps
Sneaking down the hall
I hear a door slam
Knock upon the wall
I hear a voice laugh
Tell me it's all just a dream

Footsteps in the night
Love has passed me by
Footsteps in the night
Baby said goodbye

Footsteps in the night
Feel like I could die
Footsteps in the night
Baby said goodbye
To me

Footsteps in the night
Echo in my mind
Footsteps in the night
Baby said goodbye
To me, to me, to me

Footsteps - Footsteps

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : Footsteps
Anime : City Hunter
Artiste : Kitadai Momoko

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Fiche Animeka

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Si tu as 5 ans et que tu es venu avec ton papa, ta mamie, ta tata, ton tonton qui tient la caméra et qui a bu trop de vin avant de venir, tu es le bienvenu dans cette émission !
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