le player de génériques

Cowboy Bebop - Chicken Bone    twitter 

(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)

I like, you like, he likes, she likes chicken bone...
Everyone loves like a crazy chicken bone...
My dog, my cat, my mouse want chicken bone...
I left my head over the chicken bone...

(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...) (Heh heh...Destroy!)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)

Dreamin' dreamin' dreamin' of this chicken bone...
Crazy crazy crazy 'bout the chicken bone...
Happy happy happy with the chicken bone...
From this spot and all my heart is chicken bone...

Roast it well with cajun sauce,
together, together...Oohh...
Long as they don't throw it away...
Bake it with asian sauce,
together, together...Oohh...
It is good for your healthy life,
Baby it's true...
Coz when you love it to the bone,

(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...) Chicken bone... (chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...) Chicken bone... (chicken bone...)
(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)

I'd love to go just like a Chicken bone...
I'm really moved by the chicken bone...
The more you eat, the more you'll be the chicken bone...
I left my head over the chicken bone...

bahdeahdeeahdeeah...bahdeahdeeahdeeah... (Heh heh...Destroy!)

Dreamin' dreamin' dreamin' of this chicken bone... (Proceed with the operation)
Crazy crazy crazy 'bout the chicken bone...
Happy happy happy with the chicken bone...
From this spot and all my heart is chicken bone...

Roast it well with cajun sauce,
together, together...Oohh...
Long as they don't throw it away...
Bake it with asian sauce,
together, together...Oohh...
It is good for your healthy life,
Baby it's true...
Coz when you love it to the bone,

(Chicken bone...chicken bone...)

Chicken Bone - Chicken Bone

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : Chicken Bone
Anime : Cowboy Bebop
Artiste : Yoko Kanno

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Fiche Animeka

Fiche ajoutée par coucoucircus.
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