le player de génériques

Nanatsu no taizai - Saison 4 - time    twitter 

So that's how you'll find me anytime anywhere
Omoku tsumetai uzu ni nomikomarete mo
What's it for ?
Futsukeau bakari no chikara no tsukai michi wo
Ki ni yandeta tte nanimo hamore wa shinain darou

Look in my eyes
No more cheap lies
Soba ni itai

Just be brave like you, I must be stronger
Hey look here's what I got
Me no oku ni mitsuketa cords of love
Kitto nando demo kurikaesu akatsuki wo sasu
Flash my rays
According to you kedakaku

Clocking tick'n'tock
You flick the badness, slip away from my wings and memories
Kawashita yakusoku no saigo wo omoi kogasu darou
There ain't no way, I will always be there for you
Itazura ni musubareru KARUMA no ito

So that's how I'll find you anytime anywhere
Amanojaku kojiraseta kodomo mitai na MOODO
What's it for ?
Ikichigau bakari no kimochi no motte iki kata wo
Saguriatta tte nanimo wakari wa shinain darou

Look in my eyes
No more cheap lies

Just be brave like you, I must be stronger
Hey look here's what I got
Saigen nai imashime to cords of love
Kitto kondo no mirai wa tasogare ni mau
Flash my rays
According to you koko kara

Clocking tick'n'tock
You flick the badness, slip away from my wings and memories
Hikkurikaetta ten to goku no SUTAATO wo uwagaki suru you ni
There ain't no way, I will always be there for you
Itazura ni chigirareru KARUMA no ito

Time will tell, rewind that sight
Time will tell if we are right

Just be brave like you, I must be stronger
Hey look here's what I got
Me no oku ni mitsuketa cords of love
Kitto nando demo kurikaesu akatsuki wo sasu
Flash my rays
According to you kedakaku

Clocking tick'n'tock
You flick the badness, slip away from my wings and memories
Kawashita yakusoku no saigo wo omoi kogasu darou
There ain't no way, I will always be there for you
Itazura ni musubareru KARUMA no ito

time - Ending 1 - time

Animes japonais récents - Infos
Titre Original : time - Ending 1
Anime : Nanatsu no taizai - Saison 4
Artiste : cAnON.
Année de diffusion de l'album : 2021

Fiche ajoutée par fulguropoings.
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