Goin' with the silver flow
Of river wide with current deep and slow
I rest my wings made to soar
But can I fly anymore?
The river it goes ever on
Can heart keep pace rushing swollen 'til dawn?
Now I shake off weariness
And go to meet what I can't guess
The heart has its secret currents
Deep and without guide
To find out where they will lead
I take the plunge eyes wide
People move from home to street
No one blinks as day yields to day, life is fleet
Where are you from?
Where are you going, Water Traveler?
The mournful wind blows even on
Can I keep flooded love for you 'til dawn?
Now I stretch out my wings again
And take back what I lost then
The heart has its secret currents
Deep and without guide
To find out where they will lead
I take the plunge eyes wide
Jeux vidéos - Infos |
Titre Original : Currents | Jeu : Suikoden II  | Développeur du jeu : KCET | Machines : PlayStation | Interprète : Kokia | Compositeur : Miki Higashino | Année de diffusion du jeu : 2000 (France) - 1999 (USA) - 1998 (Japon) | |
Fiche ajoutée par Yoruichi.