le player de génériques

League of legends - Get Jinxed    twitter 

Blah blah blablah.

Wanna join me, come and play.
But I might shoot you, in your face.
Bombs and bullets will, do the trick.
What we need here, is a little bit of panic!

Do you ever wanna catch me?
Right now I'm feeling ignored!
So can you try a little harder?
I'm really getting bored!

Come on, shoot faster,
Just a little bit of energy!
I wanna try something fun right now,
I guess some people call it anarchy!

Let's blow this city to ashes,
And see what Pow-Pow thinks.
It's such pathetic neatness,
But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed!

So much better, so much fun.
Let's start from scratch and, blow up the sun!

Come on, shoot faster,
Just a little bit of energy!
I wanna try something fun right now,
I guess some people call it anarchy!

Let's blow this city to ashes,
And see what Pow-Pow thinks.
It's such pathetic neatness,
But not for long 'cause it'll get jinxed!

Come on!
Come on!
And get jinxed!

Get Jinxed - Get Jinxed

Jeux vidéos - Infos
Titre Original : Get Jinxed
Jeu : League of legends
Développeur du jeu : Riot
Machines : PC
Interprète : Agnete Kjølsrud
Année de diffusion du jeu : 2013

Fiche ajoutée par charurubaka.
Vous pouvez noter ce générique

Question subsidiaire... ;)
  Je fais partie de la grande famille des dessins animés romantico-sportifs, et je parle de volley-ball. Facile, non ?
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